February 2017
Shakespeare in Love, versus Saving Private Ryan
February/27/2017 18:07 Shakespeare | Interpretation | Performance | Shakespeare's Own Life | Stars Playing Shakespeare

An enjoyable interview with Harvey Weinstein, explaining why Shakespeare in Love, beat out Saving Private Ryan at the Oscars. More.
A Titan Retires

Michael Kahn, a titanic figure in the Shakespeare and theater world, is retiring from his post as artistic director in the Shakespeare Theatre Company, in Washington, D.C. Key quote: "When I’m told I helped make Washington a theater town, that’s the thing I feel the best about,”. More.
The Course of Academia Never Did Run Smooth?

IUPUI professor Terri Bourus teaches Shakespeare classes. She was one of four general editors of “The New Oxford Shakespeare.” (IBJ photo/Eric Learned)
Troubles assail the inner working of the production of the New Oxford Shakespeare project.
Oh my...
February/03/2017 14:49 Shakespeare | Interpretation | Shakespeare in Translation | Shakespeare's Own Life
It looks as if TNT will be releasing a "biopic" of young William Shakespeare. One hesitates to think what they will do with history…
February/01/2017 11:17 Shakespeare | Scholarship

The BBC have put up what looks like a fantastic Shakespeare resource, but unfortunately, they have made it accessible only to students in the UK. That's a shame.